
News from a mover...

Hi everyone, how are you? I just got to Toronto and ever since I landed here I haven't stopped for a second...I'm so tired right now! But very happy also!
I already bought a few pieces of furniture and started cleaning my apartment...it was all dusty and dirty when I first arrived...
My parents are here to help me with this whole moving process, which is very good. I already went to my new college to see it and explore it a little bit and had a very pleasant visit, I think my next years over there will be amazing...I'll make sure it will be unforgettable.
Here, it's very commun for people to throuw away their furniture in the garbage when they don't want it anymore, actually, they leave it right in front of their houses, so if anyone is interested, they can take it.
Yesterday, as I walked back from a walk with Carol, at night, we saw this amazingly cool, new sofa...with a sign that said: "Free sofa. Please Take".
After a exchange of looks, we decided we should just take it and save ourselves a good money...but man...that was sooooooo heavy!
But, we are in Canada and people over here are very nice, so a minute after we started moving the sofa towards our house, two guys stopped us and asked if we needed some help. Well, they simply took it all the day to our apartment building. After that, I offered them some money in sign of aprecciation of what they had done, they just politelly said no and told us to enjoy our new coach. Isn't this country amazing?
Well, we thought we were very lucky...until we found out that the sofa wouldn't fit into the elevator...we had to take it up the stairs by ourselves....I'm talking about 6 floors...can you imagine just the two of us carring a sofa all the way to the 6th floor?
Well, we almost died...in the middle of the sweat and laughter we finally got it in by midnight...
So now, when you come to visit us, you can always relax and sit back on our new coach...
I promise that once I'm all set for college and my appartment is well organized, I'll start writing more...
Love and miss you all,

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

Soh vcs mesmo neh suas loucas!! Mas pelo menos além da bunda de aço ganharam altos musculos nos braços tbm! hehehehe