
Me mandem mensagens de texto!!!

Ola queridos, tudo bem? Descobri que tem um site que deixa voces me mandarem mensagens de texto no celular de graca!!!! Pois e, quando quiserem me avisar qualquer coisa ou so matar a saudade mesmo, me mandem uma mensagem!


Se nao tiverem meu cel, pecam que eu mando para voces!

Start Spreding the news...

Ola queridos, tudo bem? Vim aqui so deixar documentado que esse fim de semana vou para Nova York com um pessoal da escola, vou ficar 2 dias e volto na segunda, a cidade fica a 6 horas daqui.
...I wanna wake up in a city that never sleeps...
beijocas e bom fim-de-semana!


aonde o mundo vai parar

As pessoas precisam entender que elas nao sao sozinhas e independentes, que existem outras pessoas que as amam e que se importam com elas.
Porra, eu tenho 3 pedacos de mim que circulam por ai, a torto e a direito, meu pai, minha mae e a minha irma. Eles precisam se cuidar por eles e por mim.
As suas vidas influenciam a minha vida e a minha vida, a deles, por isso, e necessario que eu me cuide pelo bem deles e que eles se cuidem pelo meu bem.
Acho inconsequente uma pessoa viajar para o Nordeste e ter a capacidade de pegar febre tifoide...onde e que eu fico nessa historia? Ai, o meu egocentrismo as vezes me envergonha, mas puta que o pariu, Pamela, porque e que voce tinha que se meter a besta e pegar uma porcaria dessas?
Eu te amo, ve se se cuida, pelo amor de D's.
Da sua irma que te ama,



Ola queridos, tudo bem? Vim escrever para dizer que a minha saudade de voces e imensa!!!

Mari, eu penso todo dia em voce e nao vejo a hora da gente conversar e colocar as fofocas e novidades em dia...eu sei que voce tem varias coisas boas para me contar...

Paulinha de la Caipirinha....amei conversar com voce pelo msn, pena que as suas entradas sao raras e rapidas! Tantas coisas para te contar ! Estou esperando a sua volta pra ca...

Adoro receber broncas de voces por nao ter escrito as novidades aqui no blog, me sinto muito feliz e orgulhosa de ter amigos como voces. Escrever aqui e uma maneira de estar pertinho todos que amo...de tentar me aproximar um pouquinho e manter presente no dia a dia corrido de voces.

Estou em uma busca frenetica por apartamentos em Toronto, nao esta nada facil, vou dizer que chego a ter pesadelos a noite por causa disso...os alugueis sao carissimos e a cidade enorme, ou seja, preciso morar pertinho de um metro...

O calor desse pais e inacreditavel, a humidade e horrivel e me deixa louca, meu apartamento nao tem ar condicionado e parece uma sauna, vou dizer que eu era feliz em Sao Paulo e nao sabia...

O Festival Just For Laughs/Juste Pour Rire esta acontecendo agora, acidade ficou linda! Me senti numa especie de quermesse mais moderna aqui. As pessoas passeiam pelas ruas e curtem os dancarinos que se apresentam, os comediantes e tudo o mais que a rua St. Denis tem a oferecer.

Mais um mes e estou me mudando...Toronto, here I go...be nice to me, please...

Well, I have to go, I'll be waiting for your messages!

bises, kisses, beijos, besos, neshikot,



A tip for you that is planning on coming to Montreal

Hello everyone!!! Comment ca va? How are you?
It's been a while since I actually sat down and wrote hugh! I have to say that the heat of Montreal is killing me...I know that right now is cold back home, but you guys should wait until gets cold over here...then who will be receiving e-mails with complaints will be you...
Talking about complaints...I just have to tell you what happenned yesterday...
Well, I decided to go to CAFE CAMPUS with Carol, Leandro and Felipe (all of us brazilians...just for a change...) and when we got there, the boys were already in line...we got in line with then, but a minute later, one of the security guards of the place came and in the worst manner ever told the boys to leave...Leandro and Carol went to the end of the line and I stayed there with Felipe.
We are so used to getting in line with our friends in Brazil that we didn't even realize that here it would be a big deal...well, even though the security guard was rude, we understood that this wasn't right and just stayed there waiting to get in.
But, five minutes later, one of them came again and said that would take like an hour to get into the club, since it was already full of people. After that, Felipe got out of line for a second to go find the others to see if we should stay there or not, because we all had to study the next morning...
I called him back and asked him to stay, because I didn't want to stay in line bymyself...I think it has something to do with the regular paranoia and fear of violence that we are used to in Brazil...he came back and as he did that, the same security approached us and in an even worse way, he started to scream and kicked us out of the line, humilliating us in front of everyone...
I got so mad, I had never been treated like that in my life! You would think that they should be at least polite to the customers but they simply don't care...what is actually funny, since we are the paying ones and in order for them to keep their business open, they need to have customer's attendace...hm...
In any moment we were rude to him or raised our voice, and during the whole time, all we got was a bunch of screams and even swearing from him...and in the end he even said: This guy is not getting into my Bar tonight!
Well, I have to tell you that Brazil's clubs are much better in providing a service than Canada's...
So, if you want to be well treated, feel welcome and have a good time, CAFE CAMPUS is not the place you should be going to...
I miss you all a lot! Beijocas (bises, kisses),


All I Want

"...Did you think about your bills, your ex, your deadlines
Or when you think you're gonna die
Or did you long for the next distraction
And all I need know is intellectual intercourse
A soul to dig the hole much deeper
And I have no concept of time other than it is flying
If only I could kill the killer..."



"The moral conscience that so many thoughtless people have offended against and many more have rejected, is something that exists and has always existed, it was not an invention of the philosophers of the Quartenary, when the soul was a little more than a muddled proposition. With the passing of time, as well as the social evolution and genetic exchange, we ended up putting our conscience in the colour of blood and in the salt of tears, and, as if that were not enough, we made our eyes into a kind of mirror turned inwards, with the result that they often show without reserve what we are verbaly trying to deny."

page 17 - Blindness
Jose Saramago


de novo... Posted by Picasa

Dollarama...encore hehehe Posted by Picasa

Jogo de futebol canadense...eu e o Felipe demos uma de brasileiros e entramos so de fininho la no jogo...a galera pagou 200 dolares e a gente....nada hehehehe Posted by Picasa

mais uma... Posted by Picasa

Felipe e eu na Dollarama... Posted by Picasa

eu, o Le e o Felipe depois do jogo do Sao Paulo... Posted by Picasa

olha a cara de concentracao do mano do piercing... Posted by Picasa

colocando piercing... Posted by Picasa

que gata heim hehehehehehehe (a parte de cima...Felipe e a de baixo, eu...). Posted by Picasa


Another picture of the stage... Posted by Picasa

One of the stages in the street of the Jazz Festival Posted by Picasa

brazilians together at the Jazz Festival...Felipe, Carol, me and on the back, Leandro and Marcius. Posted by Picasa

Jazz Festival In Montreal...simply amazing! There are stages all over downton where there are jazz concerts for free...I love this city... Posted by Picasa

Je regarde tout...la curiosite c'est mon deuxieme nom... Posted by Picasa